Every day we help employers find employees like you! There are immediate career opportunities with employers seeking qualified candidates to fill current vacancies.
JOB SEARCH: Utilizing our online database you can search for current job vacancies statewide. Our Virtual Recruiter matches jobs based on selected criteria (i.e. job title, salary, location). It then generates a job alert which is sent to your HiRE messages center, text message inbox, or your email account notifying you of the job matches.
IN-HOUSE RECRUITING EVENTS: Job seekers have opportunities to attend on-site recruitment events for various employers, hosted by EmployBR. Check our calendar for upcoming events.
CAREER FAIR: EmployBR hosts several job fairs and events during the year to link employers with potential employees. Check our calendar for upcoming events or contact us to learn more.
Support Services
WORKSHOPS: EmployBR provides a variety of workshops that help individuals become more competitive in the local and regional market. Workshops include, but are not limited to: Job Readiness, Resume Writing, Interview skills, Financial Literacy and Soft Skills.
ASSESSMENTS: Find out what kind of job you are prepared for based on your current academic skills and work readiness levels through self-directed and staff-administered comprehensive assessments.
ASSISTANCE: WIOA funding may be available, based on the availability of funds and as a last resort, to assist individuals in completing training, or obtain or retain employment. Such services may include, but or not limited to: Transportation, Uniforms, Childcare, Tools, and Books.
PRIORITY POPULATIONS: EmployBR prioritizes low-income individuals and recipients of public assistance for career and training services. We are focused on helping you land the right job as quickly as possible. Whether you are looking for a job or planning a career change, we can help.
CAREER COUNSELING: Counseling services are available for people just starting a career, people considering a career change, and people who have recently been laid off.
RESOURCE CENTER: EmployBR provides free access to computers and high-speed internet for customers to check job openings, create and email resumes to employers, and/or take aptitude tests. Also available are copiers, printers, and fax machines for other job-related needs.
We’re focused on helping you land the right career as quickly as possible. Whether you’re looking for a career or planning a career change, we can help.
Self-Directed Assessments
CAREER EXPLORER: A variety of assessments that will determine the occupations that best suit you based on the chosen criterion.
MATCH YOUR SKILLS: Identifies your skills and provides various occupations that match.
MATCH YOUR OCCUPATION: Finds occupations that are similar to your previous employment based on skills/abilities, work environment, and work activities.
MATCH YOUR WORK INTERESTS AND WORK VALUES: Explore the types of activities you like and what’s important to you in a job and view matching occupations.
CAREER INFORMER: Used to research information on a specific occupation.
OCCUPATIONAL COMPARISON: Compare wages, education, job duties, etc. of selected occupations.
OCCUPATIONAL SUMMARY: Allows you to generate a customized report on a selected occupation.
Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) is the most comprehensive and reliable academic assessment for adult basic education.
O-Net is a variety of assessments that will help determine the occupation that best suit you based on the chosen criterion.